

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create recurring appointments?
Create a normal appointment, then use the repeat key binding (defaults to r) to convert it into a recurring item.
Can I synchronize calcurse with other calendar software?
calcurse supports iCal imports and exports. Any application supporting these formats can be synchronized by using a simple script. For experimental CalDAV support, check out the calcurse-caldav script which is part of the latest release.
How do I setup CalDAV synchronization?
Check the calcurse-caldav documentation.
How do I synchronize calcurse with Google Calendar?
The calcurse-caldav documentation contains an extra section on how to setup OAuth2 authentication and synchronization with Google Calendar.
Is it possible to get rid of the messages confirming loaded/saved data?
Yes, disable the general.systemdialogs setting from within the configuration menu.


You can get pre-built documentation for the latest release here:

Reporting Bugs

To open a bug, you can use the GitHub issue tracker.

Alternatively, send an email to bugs at calcurse dot org. Do not forget to include the following information:

Please follow up on bugs and give continued feedback if requested.

Release Announcements and Contact

If you want to receive release announcements, please subscribe to the announce at calcurse dot org mailing list here:

If you want to send a direct mail to the lead developer, submit it to Lukas Fleischer <lfleischer at calcurse dot org>.